Ink Blending with Domed Ink Blenders by
Howdy! Today I’m doing some ink blending using the domed ink blenders from Also, I’m sharing some ink blending tips to make every ink blending project the best ever!
Ink blending with domed ink blenders by
We all the look of ink blending but it’s hard work to get depth and beautiful color blends. The domed ink blenders by have made that job a little easier. Traditional round ink blending sponges are great tools but these domed inked blenders improved the design significantly.
When you ink a round flat ink blender pad, there’s a hard edge on that sponge that gets a lot of ink on it. It’s just the nature of how we ink the tools. The domed blenders don’t have that edge to catch all of that ink. Instead, the top of the blender gets the most ink and that’s the part that makes direct contact with the paper.

With domed blenders you can start blending in the middle of the paper. No more hard lines because you forgot to start off the paper and blend on to it. See for yourself in the video linked above.
Also, the domed ink blenders seem to require less ink to get great results. The ink sits closer to the surface of the sponge instead of soaking into it. That right there saves some money because you’re not filling up a sponge with ink.

Now here’s a little tip about ink blending no matter the kind of ink you’re using. Make sure the ink pad has enough ink in it. If the ink pad is on the dry side, you’re probably not going to get the best results. You’ll want to try to reink that ink pad before you try to do an ink blending method with it.

Check out the video to see the domed ink blenders in action. They are awesome! I hope you enjoyed these tips for a successful ink blended panel using the domed ink blenders.
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